Belonging by Owen Eastwood
… I always come back to the same question what is the optimal environment for this group to perform to their best?

We are terrified of rejection of being judged not worthy of belonging to a particular group of not sharing the necessary traits or background but not fitting in have not been good enough of not being seen those who experienced serious social rejection are over 20 times more likely to develop depression

our need to belong is therefore not just in the mind but the physical state. It is hardwired into our biology. When social relationships feel under threat we respond both emotionally and physically as though our survival is threatened. The same area in our brain is engaged as if we were suffering physical pain. It is an example of how biology has adapted an ancient system in order to drive a need to belong

There is always uncertainty and insecurity coming into any new team. It was the way growing up and remains the same even at elite level. On my first day in a new team I can feel whether this is a safe place for me or not, whether I belong there

Belonging is a wildly undervalued condition required for human performance. When our need to belong in a team is met, our energy and focus pour into the team’s shared mission. We can lock into our role and the tasks we’re being asked to deliver we are comfortable being vulnerable in our quest to get better. We feel secure enough to help others and point out where we could be better as a team.