SHAPE Performance Programme

A Leadership Programme With A Difference.

The SHAPE Performance Programme

Six-day flagship programme that explores, explains and improves individual, team and organisational performance.

SHAPE is a leadership and performance programme with a difference. Informed by thirty years of exploring behavioural change, teams, culture and performance. The programme takes its learning from healthcare, aviation, elite sport and the performing arts, as it describes the social, technical and emotional competencies needed by today’s workforce.

Offering a different perspective, this programme will challenge current assumptions, help your people think for themselves, improve their decision making and help them make smarter choices. Participants will learn how and when to work with intensity and how to react appropriately under pressure, optimising their impact.
Develop your high potential talent to perform at their best.


Performance increase


We know that human performance is variable. Recent advances have improved our understanding of the brain, decision-making, motivation and human performance in industries such as elite sport, healthcare, aviation, and the performing arts.
It is time to update and upgrade your skills and refresh your performance.

Ensure you and your teams are equipped with the skills for the future – creativity, adaptability, coaching, problem-solving and innovation.

Change your perspective and keep ahead with this unique series of workshops.

  • Has the growth and learning of your people plateaued?
  • Is your organisation full of intellectually talented performers?
  • Are they getting the results that such talented people should be getting?

The programme explores individual and team performance, preparing attendees for the highest level of leadership. It will help individuals develop a high-performance mindset and how to instil a high-performance and learning philosophy in the modern workplace.


Designed for busy (no assignments, no homework) and ambitious professionals who want to challenge themselves intellectually.

For managers, team leaders and section heads looking to transition into leadership roles and for those recently, or about to be, promoted into leadership positions

Flexible, personalised and highly relevant, each day will leave participants inspired and motivated to make a difference in their lives, their careers and the lives and careers of the people they work with. The programmes spotlight workplace performance, behaviours, reactions and decision-making.

Delivered flexibly over 3, 4 or 6 days.


Day 1: Managing your own performance – manage your energy not just your time

This opening day will introduce the programme. It will begin by explaining how we can accelerate our learning over the six days by increasing our ability and capacity to learn and practice through the concepts of Information Mastery.

Is the workplace making your staff ill? Sometimes work itself, either the work environment or poor leadership practices can contribute to or cause illness. Looking after ourselves is a necessity not a luxury. We will explore how our actions and emotions impact our work, our teammates and our performance. Day 1 of the programme will help people improve their confidence, resilience and wellbeing. Helping them to navigate tough times.

Leaders who understand the human side of performance can recognise employee purpose, improve employee engagement and release discretionary effort, enabling people to thrive at work and perform to their potential. The ability to reboot and recharge is a real skill. A skill that can learned and practiced.

  • Information Mastery – single & double loop learning
  • Burnout, fatigue and human performance
  • Mental toughness and mindset
  • Stress, anxiety and depression
  • Navigating tough times at work
  • Happiness traps and how to avoid them
  • Helping the overloaded and overwhelmed employee
  • Looking after yourself – the resilience prescription

Day 2: Human performance is variable – human factors for business

Day 2 of the programme is a fascinating workshop exploring the learning from high-performing, highly reliable industries such as aviation, nuclear energy and elite sports. Over the last 15 years, the NHS has been the latest organisation to embrace crew resource management techniques and human factors thinking as it strives to deliver world-leading performance and healthcare.

An increased understanding of the impact of human factors on individual and team performance can improve employee engagement, motivation and wellbeing, in addition to improving safety, quality and the bottom line.

This unique and highly engaging, interactive workshop uses a blend of experience, discussion and case studies from the worlds of healthcare, aviation and elite sport, to understand human factors and team dynamics in performing under pressure.

There are clear transferable messages for businesses, their people and their teams.

  • The limits of human performance
  • Ego and speaking truth to power
  • Decision making & cognitive load
  • Error management and blame
  • Communication during a crisis
  • Human factors and performing under pressure
  • Situational awareness

Day 3: It’s not the smartest team that wins, it’s the safest – high-performing culture

Interested in building a high-performance culture? Day 3 of the programme will look at the latest research concerning psychological safety and its impact on individual and team performance. High-performing teams are rare. Without psychological safety and trust, problem-solving slows, innovation is stifled and personal growth stagnates. Encouraging your teams to work harder isn’t usually the answer.

It’s easy to think that your teams are fully engaged, but understanding what’s going on beneath the surface can be the difference between success and failure. Many teams may be less engaged than they appear. All too often we follow the recipe for team failure – poor communication, lack of role clarity and little attention to role acceptance.

One of my favourite workshops to deliver, we will explore the bonds and interactions between team members that are essential to personal and team performance. Understanding the subtle chemistry that keeps these bonds intact can be the catalyst for individual and team performance. In sports, when teamwork fails, we lose a match, a game or a tournament. In aviation and healthcare, the consequences can be a lot worse.

  • Teamship & leading professionals
  • Understanding your culture and supporting the toxic handler
  • Diversity & cognitive diversity and the benefits of difference
  • Dialogue & powerful conversations
  • Individual and team tension, dealing with mavericks
  • Developing characteristics of a high-performing team
  • Leading dispersed teams
  • Derailment and darkside dynamics
  • Team Coaching

Day 4: Communicating with impact – engage people’s hearts and minds

What makes some people more influential and engaging than others? There is an opportunity for you to be different. Day 4 of the programme will develop the skills to increase your influence and leadership presence to a wide range of audiences. Don’t forget, in the knowledge and service economy people buy you. Learn how to engage people’s hearts and minds.

You will learn how to communicate with confidence, influence and authority, developing your executive presence and increasing your impact.

Communicating with impact will help you win over audiences large and small, including investors, selection panels and interviewers, as you emotionally connect with your audience to show why your ideas matter.

This workshop always proves to be a real hit, with the learning and insights staying with you for the rest of your career – whether you’re pitching, presenting, networking or selling. I’ve worked with hundreds of senior colleagues and clients to improve their executive presence, presentation style and storytelling skills. My clients use the techniques, tools and skills to deliver presentations that win them new jobs, contracts, scholarships and awards.

  • Influencing and persuasion
  • Understand how people consume information
  • Presenting with impact
  • Storytelling and leadership
  • Speaking with gravitas
  • Executive presence
  • Emotional leakage and micro expressions
  • Pecha Kucha and other presenting techniques

Day 5: Behavioural economics – steering into the skid, closing the intention-action gap

Day 5 and this introduction to behavioural economics will provide you with an understanding of how decisions are made (or not) in the workplace, by your staff and your consumers. You will learn how to use insights from behavioural and implementation science to understand customer and colleague decision-making. The “last mile” and understanding how humans make decisions is often a neglected component of change management programmes. To ignore the emotional and human elements of transformational change is a recipe for resistance and failure.

Attendees will also be introduced to the latest evidence around shared decision-making and motivational interviewing as techniques to improve success in long-term behavioural change.

Attendees will leave the workshop with crucial insights into understanding employee, customer and consumer behaviour and how to close the gap between our intentions and our actions.

A highly engaging, intellectually stimulating and thought provoking, interactive workshop using a blend of experience, discussion and case studies.

  • Introduction to behavioural economics
  • Nudges and dark nudges
  • Judgement and decision making
  • Behavioural change in the workplace
  • Psychology of change
  • Cognitive biases
  • Dealing with uncertainty
  • Trolleyology – risk and benefit

Day 6: If you want to grow your company, then grow your people – team coaching for performance

The final face-to-face day of the Programme draws the elements from the previous sessions together. We will review the social, psychodynamic and human side of organisational life with insights from hundreds of hours of team coaching and one-to-one executive coaching.

Great careers don’t just happen, they take planning and skill. We will explore the secret doors to performance, identify your blind spots and recognise potential career-limiting habits.

Coaching is a unique and powerful resource that can increase employee and team performance in a dramatic way. It is one of the most helpful ways to develop self-awareness and performance capabilities.

Once clients experience the transformational nature of genuine executive coaching it shifts their perspective, improving performance, confidence and wellbeing. They learn to ask better questions, have stronger more meaningful conversations and take people with them. They accelerate their careers.

  • The transition from manager to leader
  • Are you solving the right problems?
  • Effective leadership v successful leadership
  • Blind spots and career limiting habits
  • How to move from boss to coach
  • Coaching models, tools and techniques
  • Understanding your career potential

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Invest in yourself, your teams, your organisation